How long have we waited for that moment. A new season is just at our doorstep. Alongside it, return, the excitement and hope to experience new happy moments with Maccabi – the moments we all live for. This season, more that any other season, we are all together – the players and coaching staff on the pitch and you fans in the stands. We all have the power and responsibility to ensure that the 2023/24 season will be remembered in our glorified history as a season we will all be proud of.

We recently noticed how the IFA Disciplinary Courts increased the severity of the punishments which leaves us with no room for mistakes that could harm us. A moment before it all begins, this is a great opportunity to remind ourselves that we all have the responsibility to ensure that nothing could prevent the team from achieving a very important target – bringing back the titles to Maccabi’s trophy cabinet.
What harms us?

Over the past few seasons, the club identified several issues concerning fans’ conduct that should they improve would significantly help the success of everyone.

Pyrotechnics and missile throwing
– The energies which generate the atmosphere Bloomfield and the effect it has on the players we al know. Your support from the stands is vital for the Club’s success. On the other hand, no one would like to play in front of empty stands or to be dragged across the country on the way to radius matches. As you all know so well, lighting of pyrotechnics and throwing missiles of any kind onto the playing field is strictly forbidden and is causing the club massive damages. Let us all ensure that it will simply not happen.

Pitch invasions and entering the areas surrounding the field of play – Following the incidents of last season, Maccabi is facing a suspended sentence of 3-point-deduction in the event of a pitch invasion or entering the field of play. The Disciplinary court is very strict on that matter and any pitch invasion could prove extremely costly. Wither that be the ecstatic feeling after a goal is scored, or a random child entering the field of play out of excitement – such actions cost the club massive fees through fines and even the deduction of points which could ultimately decide the title race.

Racism – The Club has shown in the past how it adopted a zero-tolerance approach towards acts if racism – including life-ban punishments towards fans found guilty. Our job is to pay attention to ourselves and our surrounding area in the stand. Just before you begin chanting, thing carefully whether this is a racist song. If you have any doubts simply don’t sing it.

Touting – We recently came across many cases of touting both of tickets and season tickets. In some cases, culprits are offering tickets which were already used or even none-existent ones, aggravating those who purchased. Therefore, it is highly recommended you only by tickets from official and authorized sources. Fans caught touting – will have their tickets cancelled immediately and the club will consider taking further action such as cancelation of a season ticket etc.

Regrettably, last season we were forced to ban or fine dozens of fans found violating some of the things listed here above. In future we will not hesitate taking action against those found guilty of harming the club or the fans.

Finally, we would like to emphasize once again that each and every one of us, is responsible for his actions and has the power to help the success of Maccabi – so let us win together.