Throughout history Maccabi faced Hapoel Nof Hagalil (formerly Nazareth Ilit) seven times in the league. The record: A single Maccabi victory and 6 draws.
86% of the meetings between the two sides ended in a draw. There is no other league encounter with such a high percentage of draws from clubs Maccabi played against in a minimum of 3 times.
Besides the current season, when Yaron Ochenboim guided Nof Hagalil to a draw against maccabi at Bloomfield stadium, former Maccabi player and coach, Moti Iwanir, was the coach of the former Nazareth Ilit side in all their previous meetings with Maccabi.
Maccabi played 309 league matches against newly promoted sides with the record currently stands at 183 victories, 80 draws and 46 defeats.
Under the current league format which began at the 2012/13 season, the 24th league round is the favorite Match Day. Maccabi currently holds a perfect run of 9 victories in succession from nine attempts on MD24.
There is no other team in the league that holds a 100% record at a certain league round (with a minimum of 5 seasons).
Nine players featured for both Maccabi and Nof Hagalil: Itzik Zohar, Yoav Ziv, Guillermo Yisraelivich, Etey Shechter, Oren Zeituni, Jose Duarte, Oshri Levy.
Bar Cohen and Ronen Hanzis are currently on-loan at Nof Hagalil from Maccabi. Cohen made 19 appearances this season in all competitions and Ronen Hanzis played in 2 league matches since joining on loan in January.