Maccabi Tel Aviv FC is deeply saddened and mourns the loss of Raanan Sobel who passed away at the age of 67 after battling with cancer.

Sobel, who was raised on Maccabizm was a trusted close friend of former club owner Loni Herzikovich and assisted him during his 10 year tenure from the mid 90’s.

Sobel was a key figure at the club, working behind the scenes and helped during the change of ownership to Alex Schneider and to Mitch Goldhar.

Sobel was also a member of management at Maccabi Tel Aviv sports organization and the sponsor of the Maccabi Handball club over the past decade. Under his stewardship, the Handball team won its’ first ever league championship in 2013/14 and several other domestic titles as well as ground breaking international success in Europe (The Semi Finals of the 2012/13 Challenge Cup and qualification to the EHF group stage in 2016/17).

After learning about his death, Loni Herzikovich paid tribute: “Raanan was a soul mate, in life but also a brother in arms. We experienced difficult moments together, we avoided deadly situations more than once as both of earned those decades. He raised a wonderful charming family and was a symbol of liberal beautiful pretty Maccabist.”